Indian Student in Australia Left Paralyzed After Brutal Assault: Family Struggles to Cover Medical Costs

Hobart, Tasmania – An Indian student, Devarshi Deka, who gave up his government job to pursue higher education in Australia, is now facing a challenging journey after a brutal assault in Hobart left him paralyzed. The attack, which took place last November, not only shattered Deka’s dreams of a better future through education but also placed a heavy financial burden on his family as they struggle to cover his medical expenses. Deka, affectionately known as …

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Crystal Phillips fights county officials in Bloomington Township over brother’s burial costs

Bloomington Township, Indiana – Crystal Phillips is facing challenges as she attempts to make arrangements for her brother’s burial after he was killed in a machete attack at a homeless camp in Bloomington. Shaquille Phillips, who was homeless at the time of his death, is deemed indigent and eligible for burial assistance through the township trustee system in Indiana. However, Crystal is struggling to cover the costs of her brother’s cremation and burial, leaving her …

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