Supreme Court Conservative Ruling Overturns ATF Ban on Bump Stocks, Putting Lives at Risk

Washington, D.C. – The gun violence epidemic in the United States persists, not due to inherent cultural tendencies toward violence, but rather because of the influence of conservative justices on the Supreme Court. In a recent 6-3 ruling on the case of Garland v. Cargill, the conservative majority overturned a ban on “bump stocks” put in place by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms during the Trump administration following the tragic 2017 Las Vegas …

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Conservative Media Ordered to Court Over Leaked Documents on 2023 Nashville School Shooting

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – A conservative media organization is facing legal action after publishing details from leaked documents related to a 2023 Nashville school shooting. The organization is now being ordered to appear in court to explain their actions, while also suing for the release of similar records to the public. The Tennessee judge handling the case has set a hearing date for Star News Digital Media and editor-in-chief Michael Leahy to address concerns over potential …

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