Revealed: Russia’s Glide Bombs Misfire, Landing on Its Own Soil with Numerous Non-Detonations

Belgorod, Russia – Russia’s ambitious military advances using glide bombs have inadvertently led to errant bombs falling into its own territory, including populated areas near the Ukrainian border. Over the past year, these powerful weapons, which have been essential to Russia’s territorial conquests, have also posed an unexpected threat to Russian civilians due to technical failures. The problematic munitions are Soviet-era bombs upgraded with modern guidance systems, intended to enhance their accuracy. However, technical failures …

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Unexploded WWII Bombs Pose Risk in Residential Area, Company Reports

Plymouth, England – St. Michael Avenue, located approximately 800m west of HMNB Devonport, is an area with a historical significance dating back to World War II. During the war, the city of Plymouth was a major target for the Luftwaffe, resulting in over 2,500 high explosive bombs being dropped, many of which struck residential areas. According to 1st Line Defence, a company specializing in managing risks associated with unexploded bombs, it is estimated that around …

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