Study Reveals Hidden COVID-19 Deaths Among Excess Natural Causes in the US

Boston, Massachusetts – A groundbreaking study conducted by the School of Public Health and the University of Pennsylvania reveals crucial data suggesting that the true number of COVID-19 deaths in the United States may have been significantly undercounted. The study sheds light on the link between excess mortality rates from chronic illnesses and natural causes and the impact of COVID-19 infections.

Despite the official federal counts reporting nearly 1,170,000 COVID-19 deaths in the United States, multiple excess mortality studies indicate that these figures may not accurately reflect the full impact of the pandemic. The new study, published in the journal PNAS, provides concrete evidence that many of these unaccounted deaths were actually caused by COVID-19 infections.

The researchers compared reported COVID-19 deaths to excess deaths from non-COVID natural causes, such as diseases and chronic illnesses, revealing a concerning correlation. The study found that increases in non-COVID excess deaths occurred concurrently or prior to reported COVID-19 deaths in most counties across the US.

Lead by Andrew Stokes, associate professor of global health, the study highlights the implications of undercounting COVID-19 deaths during the pandemic. Stokes emphasizes the importance of accurately identifying and assigning deaths to better understand the impact of the disease and improve public health responses.

The findings also debunk political assertions and public beliefs attributing mortality during the pandemic to COVID-19 vaccinations or shelter-in-place policies. The study underscores the critical need for accurate death investigations and data reporting to inform public health decisions and provide closure for families who have lost loved ones.

This research not only highlights the deadly consequences of COVID-19 but also underscores the effectiveness of public health interventions in mitigating the spread of the virus. The study authors hope that future analyses will continue to uncover uncounted COVID-19 deaths and improve our understanding of the true toll of the pandemic on communities across the country.