Shoe Factory Owner in Pakistan Brutally Attacked by Extremists for Alleged Blasphemy – Urgent Call for Justice and Protection

Sargodha, Pakistan – A horrific incident unfolded in the Gillwala colony of Sargodha, Punjab, as Nazir Gill Masih, the owner of a shoe factory, was viciously attacked by Islamic extremists on the morning of Saturday, May 25. Allegedly accused of blasphemy for burning pages of the Quran, Masih suffered severe injuries amidst the chaos that ensued. The assailants not only targeted him but also looted and set fire to his family’s factory and home.

Fortunately, ten of Masih’s family members managed to escape unharmed, seeking refuge from the frenzied mob. Naeem Yousaf Gill from the National Commission for Justice and Peace (NCJP) suggested that the attack may have stemmed from underlying commercial rivalries and personal disputes rather than purely religious motives.

Upon learning of the incident, Archbishop Joseph Arshad of Islamabad-Rawalpindi swiftly traveled to Sargodha to assess the situation firsthand. Expressing shock and dismay, he emphasized the need for a fair investigation and condemned such acts of violence. The Archbishop stressed the importance of upholding the law to prevent vigilante justice in Pakistan.

Reports indicate that Nazir Gill Masih is currently in critical condition, receiving intensive care in a local hospital. Additional sources revealed that another individual who tried to aid Masih was also attacked by the mob. However, the rest of the family is now under police protection to ensure their safety.

In Pakistan, blasphemy carries severe penalties, including death or life imprisonment. Unfortunately, this law is often abused to settle scores, resulting in false accusations and violent outbursts from mobs. Professor Shadid Mobeen, a relative of the victim, highlighted the need for international pressure on Pakistan to safeguard its religious minorities from extremist ideologies.

The harrowing incident in Sargodha serves as a stark reminder of the challenges faced by vulnerable populations in the country. As Nazir Gill Masih fights for his life, the call for justice and protection of religious freedoms grows louder, resonating beyond the confines of his community. It remains to be seen how authorities will address this tragedy and work towards preventing similar occurrences in the future.