Sarpy County Man Endures Harrowing Attack and Kidnapping, Four Young Adults Face Prosecution

SARPY COUNTY, Neb. — A shocking incident unfolded in court, revealing the terrifying experience of a Sarpy County man on Dec. 12. Sara Sopinski, from the Sarpy County Attorney’s office, described a scene of broken windows, blood streaks, and multiple holes in the walls, highlighting the irreversible damage caused by the attack. The victim endured kicking, punching, and sustained several broken bones to his face at the hands of four young adults who entered his home.

Jason McClure, 18, and Ian Birks, 19, were identified as the perpetrators of the attack, with more than $1,000 worth of items also stolen from the victim’s residence. Prosecutors detailed how McClure forced the victim into a car and drove him to an ATM to withdraw money while Birks followed closely behind in a second vehicle, threatening the victim again later to provide more money. The prosecution also pointed to Shailee Ragonasi, 19, as the “mastermind” behind the robbery, assault, and kidnapping, with her co-defendant, Dalaney Retzlaff, 18, also allegedly playing a role in the crime.

The motive for the attack was revealed to have originated from the victim’s attempt to end a financial arrangement initiated through the website, leading to the disproportionate and violent response. The case has drawn comparisons to a similar incident in Ida County, Iowa, involving all four suspects, with law enforcement pursuing their involvement in that case as well.

The severity of the situation is evident as all four defendants are being held on a $500,000 bond, with the judge requiring 10% to be posted, and a strict order to have no contact with the victim. This harrowing experience serves as a stark reminder of the dangers individuals can face in their pursuit of financial gain.