San Diego Prosecutors Add New Charges in Arabella McCormack Child-Abuse Case

SAN DIEGO, California – New charges have been brought against the adoptive family members connected to the tragic death of 11-year-old Arabella McCormack. The young girl, who suffered from severe malnutrition, was unable to survive despite being rushed to the hospital.

The allegations against Arabella’s adoptive mother, Leticia McCormack, adoptive grandmother Adella Tom, and adoptive grandfather Stanley Tom include physical abuse, deprivation of food and water, isolation, and forced exercises. All three individuals were initially facing three counts each of child abuse and torture, with only Leticia McCormack and her father facing a charge of murder. However, the recent developments have led to 71-year-old Adella Tom also facing a murder charge.

Deputy District Attorney Meredith Pro announced the addition of a new charge of conspiracy to commit child torture against all three suspects. Furthermore, information was revealed showing Adella’s involvement in coordinating child abuse, even while not physically present during the acts.

The evidence presented includes a recording that allegedly depicts Adella and Stanley Tom forcing Arabella to exercise while she can be heard crying, as well as comments made by Adella showing a callous mindset toward the young girl. Prosecutors stated that Arabella’s weight at the time of her death was less than that of when she was 5 years old, and she had numerous bone fractures and bruises.

The tragic incident has led to the removal of the possibility of bail for all suspects, who are now being held without bail while awaiting trial. Additionally, it was revealed that Brian McCormack, the adoptive father of Arabella, took his own life shortly after her death. Prosecutors believe he was also involved in the crimes.

The case has faced potential delays as a new public defender has been assigned to Adella and will need time to familiarize themselves with the complex case. As the investigation progresses, the full extent of the tragic circumstances is expected to come to light.