Protesters in Cyprus Rally Against Racist Attack on Anti-Racism Organization KISA

NICOSIA, Cyprus – Citizens in Nicosia came together on Monday to denounce a bombing attack against the anti-racist organisation KISA. The bombing, which occurred on January 5, resulted in shattered glass panels and ruined archives at the property, prompting calls for a thorough police investigation.

The Alliance Against the Far Right, Fascism, and Racism organized the demonstration in response to the attack on KISA’s offices. Former Minister and Member of the European Parliament for AKEL, Neoklis Sylikiotis, addressed the gathering, emphasizing AKEL’s commitment as the largest political entity within the Alliance and expressing solidarity with KISA.

The attack on KISA’s offices prompted a condemnation from Amnesty International, which raised alarms over the safety of human rights defenders in the country.

KISA president Doros Polykarpou reported receiving numerous death threats for his work on immigration and anti-racism, and the attack prompted a call for a serious investigation into the incident and the identification of those responsible.

The incident highlights the rise of racist violence in Cyprus, with multiple reported incidents in 2023. Those advocating for human rights and equality continue to face threats and attacks, prompting concerns over the safety and protection of vulnerable communities in the country.

In response to the attack, KISA’s offices have been sealed for repairs and the organization awaits the results of a comprehensive police investigation into the bombing. This violent incident has underscored the need for continued efforts to address migration, asylum, and human rights issues, as well as the imperative to hold accountable those responsible for perpetrating such attacks.