Protesters in Belgrade Demand Justice for Slain Journalist After Court Decision

Belgrade, Serbia – Over 100 people gathered in Belgrade on February 5 to protest the Court of Appeals decision to acquit four former state security officials in the killing of Slavko Curuvija, a well-known journalist who was shot dead in April 1999. The demonstrators, some of whom held up mirrors in a symbolic call for the court to critically examine itself, observed 25 minutes of silence after what they said was 25 years of waiting for justice.

The protesters expressed their frustration and disappointment with the court’s decision, which they believe failed to deliver justice for Curuvija’s murder. They emphasized the importance of holding those responsible for the journalist’s killing accountable, and many voiced their concerns about the state of press freedom and safety for journalists in Serbia.

Curuvija was a prominent journalist known for his critical reporting on the government and its security agencies. His murder in 1999 sent shockwaves through the media community and raised concerns about the safety of journalists who sought to hold power to account.

The protesters also highlighted the larger issue of impunity for crimes against journalists in Serbia and the lack of progress in addressing past attacks on media workers. They called for transparency and accountability within the justice system and urged for a thorough and fair investigation into Curuvija’s killing.

The demonstration drew attention to the ongoing challenges facing journalists and media organizations in Serbia, where concerns about press freedom and safety continue to persist. The protesters vowed to continue their fight for justice and press freedom in the country, signaling a determination to hold those in power accountable for their actions.