Portland Man Reads Bible Verses Before Killing Hospital Guard

Portland, Oregon – An intense drama unfolded at Legacy Good Samaritan Medical Center when a new father, PoniaX Kane Calles, took the hospital staff by surprise with his erratic behavior and ominous threats. This led to a tragic event that shook the hospital and the community.

Calles’ behavior had unsettled hospital staff, who eventually had to remove him from the maternity room over concerns about the safety of his newborn child. Shortly after, he fled the hospital, triggering a citywide search for him after he fatally shot a hospital security guard.

Investigative files obtained by The Oregonian/OregonLive revealed the growing fear and erratic behavior displayed by Calles, prompting hospital staff to take action to mitigate the situation. Security measures were in place to monitor Calles, but it was not enough to prevent the tragic outcome. The hospital staff, including the security supervisor and nursing supervisor, grappled with the challenge of dealing with an escalating and unpredictable situation.

The tragic event unfolded when Calles, after being monitored by security personnel, unexpectedly pulled out a gun and fatally shot the hospital security guard in a chilling turn of events. The security guard, Bobby Smallwood, was left unaided for several minutes until emergency medical care was finally provided.

The incident ended with Calles being fatally shot by the police after a series of intense negotiations. The entire chain of events, from Calles’ erratic behavior to the fatal shooting, underscored the challenges faced by the hospital staff in handling unpredictable and potentially dangerous situations.

The tragedy raises significant questions about the handling of such incidents and the preparedness of hospital staff to address escalating threats. It serves as a harrowing reminder of the sobering risks faced by hospital workers in their line of duty. The details of the incident provide valuable insights into the complex nature of security threats within healthcare facilities and the need for heightened preparedness to address such situations.

The loss of life resulting from this tragic incident underscores the importance of ensuring the safety and security of hospital staff, patients, and visitors, and the need for thorough evaluation and reflection on the events that took place.

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