Pediatrician Accused of hiring hitman also sought “death spell” from spiritual healer

Louisville, Kentucky – A licensed pediatrician in Louisville, Kentucky, faced shocking allegations after being charged with attempting to hire a hitman to murder her ex-husband. Dr. Stephanie Russell’s case took a peculiar turn when it was revealed that she also sought the services of a Brazilian “spiritual healer” to cast a “death spell” on her former spouse.

Text messages presented in U.S. District Court shed light on detailed discussions between Russell and the unidentified woman offering the curse she wanted placed on Rick Crabtree. The healer even claimed to have an “85% death rate” and suggested that the spell could lead to death within hours.

Russell’s defense team, led by attorney Scott C. Cox, introduced the messages as evidence of her state of mind, arguing that she was delusional at the time of the crime. These texts, exchanged in March 2022, were submitted to demonstrate Russell’s beliefs and intentions.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Marisa Ford refrained from commenting on the messages but cautioned Judge David Hale about potential attempts to garner sympathy for Russell. The prosecution did not provide any statements regarding the defense’s claims of Russell’s belief in the healer’s abilities.

Despite the eerie nature of the conversations, Russell’s trial was postponed to April 22 as her defense sought to argue that she acted under compulsion or delusion. The defense team emphasized Russell’s alleged concerns about her children’s safety with Crabtree, a claim that a family court judge found unsubstantiated.

The case continues to unravel, shedding light on the complexities surrounding Russell’s motivations and mental state during the events leading to her arrest. As the trial date approaches, more details are expected to surface, providing further insights into this bizarre and troubling saga.