Orphaned Siblings Left Homeless by Harda Factory Explosion Seek Help

HARDA, INDIA – After the tragic factory explosion in Harda, four orphaned siblings are left with nowhere to go and no one to turn to for help. The youngest, 14-year-old Raja Chandele, expressed their desperation, “All we have are the school uniforms we are wearing. We have no home, no food. How will we live?” The Chandele siblings, Neha (19), Payal (17), and Palak (15) were left in shock and disbelief after losing their parents, Mukesh and Usha Chandele, in the explosion.

The children were at school when they heard the massive blasts that shook their world. They immediately ran home, only to find their parents had lost their lives while attempting to save Mukesh’s paralyzed father. The neighbors are urging the administration to provide support for the orphaned siblings, emphasizing that they were not at fault for the factory running despite multiple complaints from villagers.

Eyewitnesses described the panic and chaos as debris shot out of the exploding factory, causing the tragic deaths of Mukesh and Usha. The community is rallying together, demanding action and assistance for the grieving siblings. The tragic loss of their parents has left the Chandele siblings in a dire situation, and they are in need of immediate support and assistance to navigate the challenging road ahead.