New Study Reveals Uncounted COVID-19 Deaths Masked as Natural Causes in the US

Boston, Massachusetts – A recent study conducted by researchers from the Boston University School of Public Health and the University of Pennsylvania sheds new light on the impact of COVID-19 on excess mortality rates in the United States. Contrary to previous claims attributing these excess deaths to factors such as COVID-19 vaccinations or shelter-in-place policies, the study provides compelling data that many of these deaths were actually uncounted COVID-19 fatalities.

Official federal counts indicate that nearly 1,170,000 individuals in the United States have succumbed to COVID-19. However, various excess mortality studies suggest that these numbers significantly underestimate the true toll of the pandemic. While excess mortality estimates the deaths that likely would not have occurred in normal circumstances, questions have lingered about the specific role of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in these additional fatalities.

Published in the journal PNAS, the study compared reported COVID-19 deaths to excess deaths from non-COVID natural causes, such as chronic illnesses and diseases, revealing a correlation in the timing of these deaths. Increases in non-COVID excess deaths often preceded or occurred concurrently with rises in reported COVID-19 deaths in most US counties, underscoring the impact of the virus on overall mortality rates.

Lead author Dr. Andrew Stokes highlighted the significance of these findings, emphasizing the long-lasting effects of uncounted COVID-19 deaths throughout the pandemic. The study’s temporal correlation between reported COVID-19 deaths and excess deaths from natural causes offers valuable insights into the underlying causes of these fatalities, pointing towards missed COVID-19 deaths due to low community awareness and insufficient testing.

Moreover, the research challenges assumptions that excess mortality during the pandemic was solely attributable to health care interruptions or delays. By examining excess deaths from natural causes rather than all-cause estimates, researchers obtained a clearer picture of the true number of fatalities linked to COVID-19, eliminating external factors that may have skewed the data.

The study’s authors also debunked political claims and public beliefs assigning pandemic mortality to factors other than COVID-19, providing concrete evidence to support their findings. The implications of this research extend beyond statistics, shedding light on the intricate relationship between COVID-19 and excess mortality in the United States.

In conclusion, the study adds a significant contribution to the ongoing discourse surrounding the true impact of COVID-19 on mortality rates in the US, emphasizing the importance of accurately accounting for all deaths attributed to the virus. By challenging previous assumptions and offering concrete data, the research underscores the need for comprehensive strategies to address the long-term implications of the pandemic on public health and well-being.