Mother of Murdered Woman Slams Government for Failing to Act Against Violence on Women

Melbourne, Australia – Aggie Di Mauro, the mother of Celeste Manno, has expressed her frustration with government figures, including Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, for what she perceives as a lack of action in addressing violence against women. During a recent appearance on Channel Ten’s The Project, Di Mauro criticized politicians for failing to take meaningful steps to prevent such tragedies.

Di Mauro has been advocating for justice and change ever since her 23-year-old daughter, Celeste, was brutally murdered in their Melbourne home in November 2020. The perpetrator, Luay Nader Sako, stabbed Celeste up to 23 times while she was asleep. Despite Di Mauro’s efforts to push for reform, she believes that politicians have not demonstrated the courage to make a difference.

The grief-stricken mother emphasized the need for more proactive measures to protect women from harm. She lamented the lack of progress in implementing recommendations for change and criticized the delays in addressing the issue. Di Mauro’s impassioned plea for action underscores the deep-rooted frustration felt by many in the community.

One of the key points of contention raised by Di Mauro is the reluctance to use ankle bracelets as a preventive measure against potential offenders. She argues that such a simple solution could potentially save lives, but it has been met with opposition from legal experts citing concerns about civil liberties. Despite the pushback, Di Mauro remains steadfast in her belief that more decisive action is needed to prevent further tragedies.

The sentencing of Luay Nader Sako, Celeste’s killer, to 36 years in prison, with eligibility for parole in 2054, has only fueled Di Mauro’s determination to seek justice. She expressed her disappointment with the outcome of the trial, highlighting the flaws in the justice system that she believes failed her daughter. Di Mauro’s demand for accountability and action resonates with many who share her frustration with the current state of affairs.

As Di Mauro continues her advocacy work and calls for meaningful change, her unwavering commitment to honoring Celeste’s memory serves as a poignant reminder of the ongoing fight against gender-based violence. The impassioned plea for reform highlights the urgent need for concrete action to address the systemic issues contributing to such tragedies.