Midday Power Outage at Brady Sullivan Tower Triggers Generator Explosion and Fire, Prompting Evacuation

Manchester, NH – A power outage in downtown Manchester triggered a generator malfunction at 1000 Elm Street, leading to a small fire and the subsequent evacuation of the building. Firefighters swiftly responded to a report of a fire on the 21st floor of the Brady Sullivan Tower just before 1 p.m., where they discovered an oil-fueled fire caused by a malfunctioning generator.

Upon arrival, firefighters utilized high-rise hose packs and climbed 21 flights of stairs to reach the source of the fire. The intense smoke from the burning oil and fuel posed significant challenges for the responding crews. In addition, a firefighter experienced lightheadedness and was taken to a local hospital as a precautionary measure, highlighting the dangers faced during the emergency response.

A second alarm was raised to assist the firefighters, with additional AMR ambulances dispatched to the scene. Crews worked diligently to extinguish the fire and ventilate the building to ensure the safety of over 200 occupants residing in the luxury apartments and offices within the Brady Sullivan Tower.

Eversource reported that a piece of electrical equipment failed in the downtown area, affecting approximately 600 customers in various buildings, including Brady Sullivan Plaza, Wall Street Tower, and the Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester. Despite the challenges posed by the power outage, most customers had their power restored within minutes through remote switching capabilities.

The fire was successfully brought under control within an hour, with authorities clearing the scene shortly afterward. The building was then turned over to Brady Sullivan, with Eversource working to restore power and enable the occupants to re-enter. However, due to the outage, the elevators remained non-operational, underscoring the lingering effects of the emergency incident.