Men Charged in Sinister Plot to Harm Victims in Richmond Hill Explosion

Savannah, Georgia – More than a year after an explosive device was detonated at a home in Richmond Hill, shocking details have emerged about the alleged sinister plot orchestrated by two suspects. Stephen Glosser and Caleb Kinsey, arrested in 2023, now face federal charges including Stalking, Use of an Explosive to Commit Another Felony Offense, Conspiracy to Use an Explosive to Commit a Felony, and Possession of an Unregistered Destructive Device. Kinsey also faces additional charges of False Statement During the Purchase of a Firearm and Possession of Firearms by a Convicted Felon.

The indictment reveals that Glosser and Kinsey surveilled the victim electronically with the intention to kill, injure, harass, or intimidate from December 2022 to January 2023. The alleged conspiracy involved plans to shoot arrows at the victim’s front door, release a large python into the victim’s home to harm the victim’s daughter, send dog feces or dead rats to the victim’s residence, scalp the victim, and detonate an explosive device at the victim’s home. Bryan County Sheriff Mark Crowe described the targeted attack as “sinister,” emphasizing the severity and calculated nature of the crime.

Authorities disclosed that the woman and child residing in the targeted home had relocated there just the day before the explosion occurred. Sheriff Crowe indicated a previous relationship between one of the suspects and the female resident. The charges leveled against Glosser and Kinsey carry significant penalties, with the conspiracy charge potentially leading to a maximum of 20 years in prison upon conviction, and an additional 10 years for using an explosive to commit a felony. Notably, there is no possibility of parole in the federal system.

The emerging details shed light on the alarming and premeditated nature of the crime, underscoring the dangers posed by individuals willing to engage in such violent and malicious acts. The timeline of events leading up to the explosion, including the surveillance and planning activities carried out by the suspects, paints a chilling picture of the lengths they were willing to go to inflict harm on the victim. The community remains shaken by the revelation of such a calculated and heinous plot, prompting concerns about the presence of individuals capable of executing such acts within the vicinity.

The ongoing investigation into the incident aims to uncover the motives behind the targeted attack, offering insight into the factors that led to Glosser and Kinsey’s alleged involvement in the elaborate scheme. As the legal proceedings unfold, the indictment serves as a stark reminder of the potential threats posed by individuals harboring violent intentions and underscores the importance of diligent law enforcement efforts in identifying and apprehending those responsible for such crimes. The case highlights the critical role of federal authorities in prosecuting individuals engaged in criminal activities that endanger the safety and well-being of others.