Massachusetts Man Survives Grizzly Attack After Bear Spray Can Saves His Life

Jackson, Wyoming – A man from Massachusetts survived a harrowing encounter with a mother grizzly in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. Shayne Patrick Burke, 35, was hiking on Signal Mountain when the grizzly attacked him. Despite following all safety protocols, the grizzly charged at him, leading to a life-threatening situation.

The National Park Service decided not to capture or kill the grizzly after investigating the incident, a decision fully supported by Burke. He shared his story on Instagram, emphasizing his love and respect for wildlife, despite the terrifying ordeal he went through.

Burke, a disabled veteran in the U.S. Army Reserve, described the grizzly attack as the most violent experience of his life, surpassing even his military encounters. He recounted how he bravely faced the bear, protecting himself as best he could during the vicious attack.

Despite sustaining severe injuries, Burke credits his survival to his prior knowledge of bear safety and carrying UDAP bear spray. He highlighted the importance of being prepared for such situations and commended the park rangers and search and rescue teams for their swift response in saving his life.

While recovering from his injuries, Burke advocated for leaving the grizzly alone, recognizing that she was defending her cub during the incident. He expressed gratitude for the support he received and emphasized the importance of being in the right place at the right time, despite the unfortunate circumstances he found himself in.

As Burke reflects on his encounter with the grizzly, he remains grateful for the opportunity to share his story and advocate for the preservation of wildlife. His experience serves as a reminder of the unpredictable nature of wildlife encounters and the importance of being prepared when exploring nature.