Man With History of Sucker-Punch Attacks Released After Breaking Woman’s Jaw

Brooklyn, New York – A brutal sucker-punch attack in Brooklyn has left a woman with a broken jaw and several missing teeth, prompting concerns about the suspect’s extensive history of similar assaults and mental health issues. The alleged perpetrator, Franz Jeudy, 33, was arrested after attacking Dulche Pichardo, 57, a Brooklyn school bus aide, as she walked home from work in Crown Heights. Despite the severity of the attack, Jeudy was released on supervised release by a judge, facing misdemeanor charges of third-degree assault, attempted assault, and harassment, all non-bail-eligible offenses.

Jeudy has a rap sheet that includes prior arrests for two other random punch attacks, one on a law enforcement officer and the other on a security guard. He was arrested for assaulting a Department of Homeless Services officer in 2018 and a security guard at a medical center in 2019. Both misdemeanor charges were later dismissed after Jeudy was deemed unfit to stand trial due to a history of schizophrenia. Authorities had responded to multiple 911 calls seeking assistance for Jeudy since 2013, with some instances involving him mentioning his schizophrenia and discontinuation of medications.

The latest victim, Pichardo, expressed fear for her safety and urged law enforcement to address a string of similar sucker punch attacks across the city. The incident involving Pichardo was one of many in which women were randomly assaulted in public areas. Prominent figures, including influencer Halley Kate, shared their experiences of being violently attacked while walking. Police arrested a criminal recidivist in connection with one of the assaults, highlighting the prevalence of such incidents in the city.

In the aftermath of the attack on Pichardo, the Brooklyn District Attorney’s Office is considering upgrading Jeudy’s assault charge to a felony. The disturbing trend of unprovoked violence has raised concerns about public safety and the need for stricter measures to address such crimes. The community is on high alert as authorities investigate these incidents and work towards ensuring the safety of residents in the face of unpredictable assaults.