Man Sentenced to Prison for Violent Attack and Attempted Rape in South Boston Incident

South Boston, Massachusetts – A North Carolina man has been sentenced to prison for a 2020 attack and attempted rape on a woman in South Boston. Glen Mumford, aged 57, received a two and a half to three-year prison sentence for an assault with intent to rape charge and an additional two years of probation for assault and battery.

The incident occurred on December 8, 2020, at the Old Colony housing project, where police responded to reports of a woman screaming for help in the basement. Authorities found Mumford engaged in aggressive behavior with the victim, who was naked from the waist down and unconscious. The woman had severe injuries, including broken teeth and bleeding gums, indicating a violent encounter.

Investigators revealed that the victim had encountered Mumford earlier at the Andrew Square MBTA station. The prosecution presented a strong case against Mumford, leading to a conviction for the heinous attack, which disrupted the peace in a public housing community in South Boston.

District Attorney Kevin Hayden expressed gratitude to all parties involved in ensuring justice for the victim. He commended the effort in gathering the necessary evidence to secure a conviction and applauded the jurors for their decision. Hayden emphasized the severity of the attack, stating that Mumford deserved the full extent of his sentence for the brutal assault.

Support and resources for victims of sexual assault are available through various organizations, including the National Sexual Violence Resources Center and the National Sexual Assault Telephone Hotline. Massachusetts offers a list of statewide resources for sexual assault survivors, providing assistance and support to individuals in need.

The sentencing of Mumford serves as a reminder of the importance of holding perpetrators of violent crimes accountable for their actions. It underscores the ongoing efforts to address and prevent such incidents within communities, highlighting the significance of supporting and empowering survivors of assault. Actions like these contribute to creating a safer environment for all individuals, ensuring that justice is served in cases of violence and abuse.