Man Pleads Guilty to Prolonged Domestic Violence Assault on Central NSW Property

Orange, New South Wales – A horrifying case of domestic violence unfolded on an isolated property in central west NSW, where a woman had to hide in a paddock to call the police after her boyfriend subjected her to a brutal attack. The man, a 32-year-old farm manager, pleaded guilty to two counts of domestic violence assault for the incident that left the victim with cuts, bruises, and a swelling the size of a tennis ball.

During the assault, the man pushed the woman through a glass window, dragged her by the hair, and repeatedly jumped on her, all while telling her “I love you, everything will be alright.” The seriousness of the assault was emphasized by Magistrate David Day, who highlighted the higher rates of domestic violence in rural areas compared to urban suburbs.

The assailant, who cannot be named to protect the victim’s identity, appeared in court wearing prison greens and was denied bail as he awaits his sentence, likely a jail term. According to court documents, the disturbing nature of the attack raised concerns of potential domestic homicide, leading to the decision to keep the man in custody.

The violence began when the couple got into an argument in the early hours of Sunday, leading the woman to try to escape in a car. However, the man physically restrained her, causing her injuries as he pushed her through a window and kicked her while she was on the floor. Despite the victim’s attempts to fend him off, the man continued the vicious assault, even going as far as to prevent her from calling for help.

As the woman bravely tried to dial emergency services during the attack, the man snatched her phone and fled, leaving her with no choice but to use his phone to seek assistance. Ultimately, the police found her in a distressed state, with visible signs of the traumatic ordeal she had endured.

The court was informed that the man, who is responsible for millions of dollars worth of livestock in his job, has no prior history of violence. However, the prosecution argued that the merciless and prolonged nature of the assault warranted denial of bail, citing grave concerns for the victim’s safety. The case has been adjourned to a later date, leaving the victim with the support of services like the National Sexual Assault, Domestic Family Violence Counselling Service.