Man jailed for drunken assault after girlfriend escapes through bathroom window

Dunfermline, Scotland – A horrifying incident unfolded as a woman managed to escape a violent assault by fleeing through a bathroom window to seek refuge with a relative. The perpetrator, identified as 34-year-old Roy Ramsay from Henryson Road in Dunfermline, was recently sentenced to jail for the drunken attack. The sentencing took place at Dunfermline Sheriff Court following Ramsay’s admission of assaulting his then partner at Lansdowne Crescent in Kincardine on January 15 of the previous year.

During the court proceedings, it was revealed that the couple had been in a relationship since early 2022. The assault occurred after a day of drinking together at home and in a bar in Alloa, where an argument escalated upon returning home. Ramsay’s violent actions included repeatedly seizing his partner by the neck, throwing her to the ground, and applying pressure to her neck, endangering her life.

The victim’s harrowing experience of being grabbed by the neck, thrown against a bannister, and feeling her consciousness slipping away prompted her desperate plea about her children’s safety. Fortunately, she managed to escape through the bathroom window and seek help at her cousin’s residence. Law enforcement arrived to find her with visible injuries, including a black eye and a swollen face.

In his defense, Ramsay’s solicitor, Stephen Morrison, indicated that Ramsay had little recollection of the events due to consuming a significant amount of alcohol that day. Despite this, Ramsay acknowledged and accepted responsibility for his actions. The gravity of the situation was emphasized by Sheriff Susan Duff, who noted the victim’s fear for her life during the assault, leading to Ramsay’s imprisonment for two years and the imposition of a three-year non-harassment order.

The impact of domestic violence was starkly illustrated in this case, underscoring the urgent need for support and prevention measures to combat such reprehensible behavior. The resilience of the victim in seeking help and the swift action taken by law enforcement serve as reminders of the importance of addressing and condemning violent actions within relationships. As the community grapples with the aftermath of this disturbing incident, efforts towards creating a safer environment for all individuals, free from the specter of domestic violence, remain paramount.