Man Jailed After Abducting and Violently Assaulting Woman for Over 21 Hours

Aberdeen, Scotland – A man in Aberdeen, Scotland has been sentenced to a 12-year extended term, with eight years to be served in custody, for abducting and violently assaulting a woman for over 21 hours. Leslie Jackson, 38, left his victim with 54 injuries after attacking her on July 30, 2022, at a property in Aberdeen.

During the assault, Jackson repeatedly punched the woman in the face, causing her to lose consciousness. He then attempted to strangle her and continuously struck her with a knife. At one point, he even threatened her with a weapon, holding it across her mouth and warning her of a “Chelsea smile.”

Despite the presence of a young child, the victim managed to escape the following afternoon by jumping from a ground floor window with a makeshift tourniquet wrapped around her leg. Jackson confessed to charges of abduction, assault causing severe injury, permanent disfigurement, and endangerment of life during a court appearance at the High Court in Glasgow on May 8, 2024.

Moira Orr, the lead on homicide and major crime at the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service, expressed sympathy and support for the victim and her loved ones. Orr emphasized the lasting trauma that survivors of such violence endure, especially children who witness it, and condemned the abhorrent actions of Jackson, underscoring the commitment to prosecute such crimes to combat their societal impact. Victims and witnesses were encouraged to report similar offenses and seek assistance.

The court’s decision reflects a firm stance against violent crimes and highlights the importance of bringing offenders to justice, providing a sense of closure and justice for the victims and their families. Jackson’s sentencing serves as a reminder of the continued efforts to address violence and ensure the safety and well-being of the community, promoting a culture of accountability and support for those affected by such heinous acts.