Man Attacked Near Clapham Common Expresses Concerns Over Unanswered 999 Call

London, England – A man brutalized by strangers near Clapham Common has expressed distress over his failed attempt to reach emergency services when he dialed 999. The victim, who had been out with coworkers in the early hours of February 12, was assaulted after leaving Clapham South Tube station. Despite multiple calls to 999, the man found himself unanswered for two minutes.

He suspects that he was stalked off the Tube by the assailants who attacked him on Nightingale Lane near Clapham Common. Recounting the harrowing experience to the BBC, he described being repeatedly struck and dragged into darkness, away from the road. The assault lasted approximately seven minutes, during which he sustained cracked ribs and a shoulder injury, requiring surgery for his eye.

Refusing to surrender his phone, the victim’s attackers eventually fled upon hearing his cries for help. When he attempted to contact 999, he faced frustration with no response. Fortunately, a passing British Transport Police vehicle was able to assist him by calling the Metropolitan Police to the scene, where the victim received the necessary medical attention.

Detective Chief Inspector Dan O’Sullivan, in charge of the Met’s South West robbery squad, confirmed that a call from the victim was received, but swift intervention from British Transport Police preempted the arrival of Met officers. As the investigation unfolds, authorities are diligently pursuing leads, including forensic analysis and CCTV footage reviews to bring the perpetrators to justice.

The victim and his family, understandably shaken by the ordeal, are seeking reassurance that emergency services will be readily accessible in times of need. The incident sheds light on the importance of timely and efficient responses from emergency services to ensure the safety and well-being of individuals in distress.