Los Angeles-based Muslim advocacy group condemns Beverly Hills school district’s handling of student involved in violent UCLA attacks

Los Angeles, CA – The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) in Greater Los Angeles condemned the Beverly Hills Unified School District (BHUSD) for their lack of response to a student involved in violent attacks at UCLA. CAIR-LA demanded that the district’s superintendent cancel his upcoming trip to Israel and stop inviting Israeli Military soldiers to speak to students.

The student identified as Edan On was reportedly part of a pro-Israel group that violently attacked peaceful student protesters at the UCLA Gaza Solidarity Encampment. Mr. On was arrested by UCLA police for his alleged role in the assaults.

Superintendent Michael Bregy’s enthusiastic announcement of his planned trip to Israel and meetings with Israeli leaders drew criticism from the community. Additionally, BHHS leadership inviting Israeli Military Reservist Eli Wininger to speak on campus raised concerns among students and faculty.

CAIR-LA raised issues of safety and well-being for Palestinian, Arab, and Muslim students within BHUSD. They expressed concerns over a school environment tainted by anti-Palestinian sentiment, discrimination, and fear.

CAIR-LA’s Civil Rights Managing Attorney, Dina Chehata, called out BHUSD for its silence on the violent attacks and reiterated the duty to protect all students from hate. CAIR-LA sent a letter to BHUSD demanding disciplinary action against Edan On, cancellation of the superintendent’s trip to Israel, and a commitment to featuring diverse speakers to honor American Jewish culture.

The organization highlighted the ongoing crisis in Gaza, with thousands of Palestinian civilians killed and widespread humanitarian concerns. CAIR-LA reiterated its mission to promote justice and empower American Muslims in Southern California.

For more information, reach out to CAIR-LA Communications Coordinator Madi Morse-Hameed.