Liberals Outraged as Republicans Uphold Traditional Values with New Flag Bill!

On Wednesday, Flag Day, Republican Senator Roger Marshall proposed a bill to prohibit the display of any flag apart from the American flag on government facilities.

The One Flag for All Act would prohibit, with some exceptions, the flying, draping, or displaying of any flag aside from the American flag at federal facilities or properties.

His legislation is in response to the weekend’s White House LGBT pride celebration when the Biden administration opted to display the rainbow flag alongside the American flag.

The senator from Kansas tweeted that this blatantly violates the United States Flag Code and shows that the current administration is incapable of putting patriotism above their own social agendas.

Marshall lamented to the press that the White House’s extreme social agenda had taken precedence over patriotism. Freedom and justice for everyone are symbolic of the American flag. No one, even the President of the United States, has the right to doubt that.

He said the American flag should fly high because it represents the freedom many brave men and women in uniform have given their lives for. Congress passed the One Flag For All Act to prevent the American flag from being used as a political football or a pawn in cultural battles.

Several flags are exempt from the bill’s restrictions, including those of visiting diplomats, members of Congress, and prisoners of war/missing in action at military stations.

A Twitter community note was added to Marshall’s tweet when he criticized the White House’s choice to fly a pride flag, explaining that the flag code had not been breached. However, several prominent politicians agreed with Marshall’s critique on Twitter.

Republican Rep. Chip Roy of Texas tweeted on Wednesday that Americans have a duty to stand up in defense of the country rather than a radical Leftist ideology that results in a pride flag being hung at the same level as the U.S. flag on the front of the White House.

Former Texas Republican gubernatorial candidate and political pundit Chad Prather tweeted that flying the American flag next to a pride flag is shameful.

Former Democratic congresswoman and presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard tweeted that the Biden administration is continuing to push their ‘woke’ trans agenda with a new Pride Month Display that may violate U.S. law, is offensive, and shows complete disrespect for the flag for which so many Americans have died.

On a related note, on Tuesday, the House Appropriations Committee approved legislation limiting the kind of flags that can be flown at V.A. facilities. In a letter dated June 6, numerous Republicans expressed concern that the American flag, whose Stars and Stripes represent all Americans, is being overshadowed by pride banners being flown at V.A. facilities.

After reaching out for comment, the White House did not immediately respond.