Jury Deliberations Continue in Trial of David Swift for Wife’s Murder

Memphis, Tenn. – The jury deliberating the case of David Swift, accused of murdering his wife Karen in Dyer County nearly 13 years ago, will need more time to reach a verdict. After a day of deliberations, the jury opted to reconvene for further discussions on Thursday morning.

During the trial, the prosecution painted Swift as a controlling husband who allegedly stalked his wife, ultimately leading to her untimely death. In contrast, the defense argued against this portrayal, emphasizing Karen’s autonomy and equal access to the couple’s finances.

Karen Swift was reported missing in October 2011, with her husband being the last person believed to have seen her alive after a Halloween party. Despite claims by the prosecution alleging that David strangled and disposed of Karen’s body in the garage, the medical examiner could not definitively determine the cause of her death.

The case against David Swift largely relies on circumstantial evidence, including inconsistencies in his statements to the authorities. As the jury continued deliberations, they requested to review the video evidence once more to aid in their decision-making process.

With the fate of David Swift hanging in the balance, the jury is expected to resume deliberations at the Weakley County Courthouse promptly at 8:15 a.m. Stay tuned for updates on this ongoing trial.