Investigation Reveals Staged Robbery Turns Deadly, Culprit Faces Murder Charges

Houston, Texas – A staged robbery ended in tragedy when a bystander shot and killed a man believed to be a robber, only to later discover that the robbery was fake.

According to court documents, 22-year-old Rasshauud Scott was working with an accomplice, William X Winfrey, to stage the robbery in exchange for money. The plan involved two victims who were in on the scheme so they could file for U-Visas, which are granted to victims of certain crimes to aid law enforcement in solving cases.

The investigation revealed that Scott and Winfrey had staged at least two robberies using the same method before the fatal incident that took place on Jan. 26. In both previous cases, the fake victims successfully applied for and were granted U-Visas.

Winfrey is now facing murder charges in connection with the killing. Scott’s fiance, Sade Beverly, expressed sadness at the loss of her partner and the impact on their family.

She emphasized that while Scott made poor decisions, he did not deserve to die. Beverly also called for the shooter, Jesus Vargas, to be held accountable for his actions.

Vargas, who is on probation and therefore prohibited from possessing a firearm, claimed he fled the scene out of fear. The decision to charge Vargas has been referred to a grand jury for review, with no decision announced yet.

Beverly pointed to lax gun laws as a contributing factor to the tragedy and called for stricter regulations to prevent similar incidents in the future. She underscored the importance of addressing the root issues surrounding gun violence and emphasized the need for change.

As the investigation continues, the community grapples with the complexities of the case and the consequences of the staged robbery turned fatal.