Investigation Focuses on Fatal Blast in Youngstown, Ohio Building Explosion

Youngstown, Ohio – An explosion near Central Square in downtown Youngstown, Ohio, resulted in one fatality and left seven others injured. The incident, which occurred on a Tuesday afternoon, affected a building housing a Chase bank and apartments. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has launched an investigation into the explosion, with a particular focus on a cut to an inactive gas line that was still pressurized.

The NTSB dispatched a team of investigators specializing in pipelines and hazardous materials to Youngstown following the natural gas explosion. Preliminary findings suggest that work crews were in the building’s basement clearing out old utility infrastructure before the explosion. NTSB board member Tom Chapman highlighted a potential third-party cut to the pressurized service line as a central aspect of the investigation to determine the cause of the gas release and resulting explosion.

After the blast, authorities from the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio and Enbridge Gas discovered a cut to the inactive but pressurized underground service line in the basement. Part of the investigation will focus on understanding why this supposedly abandoned service line was still pressurized. Chapman emphasized that there is no indication of foul play in the incident.

The NTSB estimates that the investigation will last approximately one week, with an initial report expected in about 30 days. However, final reports typically take between 12 to 24 months to complete. Chapman described the damage from the explosion as “stunning,” noting that the building’s floor collapsed into a flooded basement.

The deceased individual, identified as bank employee Akil Drake, was recovered from the basement the morning after the explosion. Due to the potential for structural collapse, the building and a neighboring hotel have been closed, and surrounding streets are blocked off indefinitely. The NTSB continues to delve into the circumstances surrounding the tragic event, focusing on proper procedures and safety measures to prevent such incidents from occurring in the future.