Hyderabad, India – In an extraordinary turn of events, a mundane hotel mug became decisive evidence in a harrowing triple homicide case leading to the death sentence of Ragula Sai. Sai, overtaken by revenge, was convicted for the ruthless murder of his ex-wife, Aarti, her new partner, Nagaraju, and their infant son, Vishnu, in a fiery attack that horrified the community.
The tragedy unfolded on Nov 11, 2022, when Sai, alongside his accomplice A Rahul, executed a meticulously planned assault against his former family. Authorities said the pair initiated their plan by purchasing a water bottle, matchbox, and petrol. In a chilling detail, Sai had to improvise when he faced difficulties with the petrol bottle and stole a mug from a nearby hotel to commit the atrocious act.
According to investigators, the stolen mug was used to transfer the petrol which Sai then used to drench Aarti, Nagaraju, and Vishnu before setting them ablaze. The three victims were near a flower cart where Aarti’s mother was employed, marking a tragic scene as they were engulfed in flames.
The ensuing police investigation revealed a backstory marked by bitterness and vendettas. Sai and Aarti had married in 2018 and had a child together, but their marriage disintegrated, leading Aarti to leave Sai and eventually remarry. Officials indicated that Sai’s inability to accept this new reality drove him to violence, previously attempting to murder Aarti’s brother, Jithender, in a failed act of revenge.
The critical evidence in the case came from multiple fronts. Witness statements, including those from a local pan shop owner, fuel station staff, and the hotel from which the mug was stolen, pieced together the sequence of events. Moreover, the heart-wrenching dying declarations of Aarti and Nagaraju, recorded by a magistrate while they were still receiving medical treatment, profoundly impacted the court’s decision.
On Dec 20, the judicial hammer came down hard as the II additional sessions Judge in Hyderabad, Vinod Kumar, sentenced Sai to death and Rahul to life imprisonment. The court found them guilty of triple murder, underlining the severity of their crimes which also resulted in the death of an unborn child, as Aarti was five months pregnant.
Adding to the prosecution’s case was an array of physical evidence including CCTV footage capturing the movements of Sai and Rahul at the fuel station, the hotel, and near the crime scene. The incriminating mug, matchbox, and water bottle used in the crime were all recovered and presented during the trial.
Officials involved in the case expressed a cautious relief at the verdict, emphasizing the depth of the investigation and the clear chain of evidence that led to the resolution of the case. The incident, while closed legally, leaves behind a scar in the community, a sober reminder of the devastating impacts of domestic strife turned deadly.