High-Stakes Murder Trial Concludes with Obado’s Defense Seeking Acquittal

Nairobi, Kenya – The Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Renson Ingonga made a significant decision on Friday in the murder case involving university student Sharon Otieno and former Migori Governor Okoth Obado. After a six-year-long trial that saw 42 witnesses testify, the case was officially closed.

Lead defense lawyer Kioko Kilukumi immediately stated to Justice Cecilia Githua that he would submit for a “no case to answer” in favor of Obado. Kilukumi emphasized that the evidence presented throughout the trial exonerated Obado from the murder allegations, urging the court to acquit him.

Sharon Otieno and her unborn child tragically lost their lives on the night of September 3, 2018. The prosecution team, including counsel Gikui Gichuhi and Allen Mulama, is seeking a finding that Obado, his former personal assistant Michael Oyamo, and a former Migori county employee Caspal Obiero should stand trial and defend themselves against the accusations.

Evidence presented during the trial indicated that Oyamo was in contact with Sharon on the day of the incident, eventually leading her to a location in Homa Bay where the tragic events unfolded. The vehicle used in the crime belonged to Obiero’s wife, Olive Odhiambo Oloo.

Lead Investigator Nicholas Ole Sena detailed how Sharon was abducted by individuals who later ended her life and that of her unborn child in a forest. He also revealed that Obado’s wife became aware of Sharon’s pregnancy during a trip to London. It was also brought to light that there were interactions between Obado’s son and Sharon.

In court, it was disclosed that Obado was away from the scene of the crime and had an alibi of being at Raila Odinga’s residence in Nairobi at the time of the incident. Call data records obtained from a telecom company confirmed Obado’s whereabouts during the relevant timeframe.

Despite this evidence, the defense maintains that there is no conclusive proof linking Obado to the abduction or killings. The trial is ongoing, with the accused currently out on bond. Justice Githua has granted Obado permission to travel to China for a specified period, with strict conditions upon his return.

As the legal proceedings continue, both the defense and prosecution prepare for further submissions in the case. The outcome of this high-profile trial will undoubtedly have a significant impact on all parties involved.