Heartfelt Tribute to Late Musician August Golden in South Minneapolis Home Leaves Community Reeling

Minneapolis, Minnesota – In the heart of south Minneapolis, Caitlin Angelica’s vibrant two-story home stands as a living tribute to her late partner, August Golden, a 35-year-old musician. Every corner of her home echoes with memories of Golden, from his favorite records lining the shelves to the Polaroids of him smiling that hang near her bed, illuminated by fairy lights. It has been eight months since the tragic Nudieland mass shooting that claimed Golden’s life and left six others injured, yet Angelica still grapples with the deep grief of that fateful night. She vividly remembers standing by Golden’s side during his final moments in the backyard of Nudieland that summer evening.

As community members continue to rally around Angelica in the wake of the shooting, showing their support through shared meals, music, and a symbolic fire outside her home to mourn the loss of Golden and the trauma inflicted upon their safe space, the punk and queer communities in Minneapolis have been shaken. Many express heightened fears of large gatherings, unsure of who among them may have been responsible for the attack. The uncertainty of not knowing the identity of the shooter(s) added an additional layer of unease to their daily lives.

The recent announcement by Hennepin County officials that two teenagers have been arrested in connection to the mass shooting has brought a mix of emotions for Angelica. The suspects, who were under 18 at the time of the incident, are currently facing charges of murder and assault in juvenile court, with the possibility of being tried as adults. While the arrests may provide some sense of closure for some, for Angelica, it only serves as a painful reminder of the loss she continues to endure.

Nudieland, once a vibrant hub for the local punk community, held a special place in Golden’s heart. With its doors open to artists for over a decade, the house served as a creative haven where Golden and his bandmates found solace in music. Angelica and Golden’s shared love for punk, folk, country, soul, and reggae music formed the foundation of their relationship, with Golden playing a pivotal role in nurturing Angelica’s musical talents.

Music has become Angelica’s solace in the aftermath of Golden’s passing, with her channeling her emotions into songs and performances dedicated to his memory. From playing his guitars to performing at memorials in New Orleans and Oakland, California, where Golden once lived, music has become a way for Angelica to stay connected to her late partner and honor his legacy.

The arrests of the two teenagers involved in the shooting have elicited complex emotions within the punk community. While some may find a sense of relief in the apprehension of the suspects, others, like Angelica, struggle with the notion of incarceration as a form of justice. As the community grapples with the aftermath of the tragedy, seeking to navigate the nuances of forgiveness, accountability, and healing, Angelica remains steadfast in her commitment to honoring Golden’s memory through her music and actions.