Forensic Commander Aims to Complete Identification of 23 Fireworks Factory Explosion Victims by Saturday

Bangkok, Thailand – The Office of the Police Forensic Science in Thailand is working diligently to complete the identification of the 23 victims involved in a tragic fireworks factory explosion. Pol Lt-General Trairong Phiwpan, the commander of the office, expressed his expectation that the identification process would be finished by Saturday.

The explosion, which occurred on Wednesday afternoon, resulted in the death of all 23 individuals working inside the factory. Trairong explained that the forensic procedures, including DNA examination, are crucial steps in the identification process and emphasized the goal of completing all necessary work by Saturday.

In the aftermath of the explosion, rescue workers faced the difficult task of recovering bodies and body parts that were blown considerable distances from the site. The challenging nature of the recovery process has made it particularly challenging to identify the victims. Law enforcement authorities are committed to completing the identification process as swiftly as possible.

Additionally, police investigators have finalized the collection of evidence from the site and are preparing for examination in the laboratory. The examination of evidence aims to determine the cause of the powerful explosion which devastated the factory.

Moreover, the owner of the fireworks factory has met with forensic officers to provide details about the premises prior to the explosion. This information will contribute to the ongoing investigation into the tragic event. In an effort to ensure the safety of the site, the police force’s Explosive Ordnance Disposal officers were dispatched for inspection on Friday.

The entire community is reeling from the impact of this devastating explosion, and authorities are committed to completing the necessary investigations to provide answers and closure to the families of the victims. The identification process is a crucial step in this effort, and the Office of the Police Forensic Science is working tirelessly to achieve this goal.