Families of Air Show Disaster Victims Seek to Block Pilot’s License Reinstatement

Shoreham, England – Families of the victims of a tragic air show disaster are seeking to prevent the pilot responsible from regaining his flying license, following his acquittal of causing the deaths of eleven victims in an air crash at the Shoreham Airshow in 2015. Andrew Hill, the pilot in question, was found not guilty of manslaughter by gross negligence in 2019.

The families of the victims, including Caroline Schilt and Anthony Mallinson, expressed their anguish over the loss of their loved ones and their opposition to Hill obtaining his flying license again. Schilt, who lost her son Jacob, mentioned the ongoing pain of not having her son’s future and criticized Hill for not taking responsibility for the deaths. Mallinson echoed similar sentiments, stating that Hill does not deserve to fly in public airspace again and emphasizing the importance of preventing such tragedies from happening to other families.

East Worthing and Shoreham’s Conservative MP, Tim Loughton, also voiced his concerns, calling it “unconscionable” for Hill to regain his pilot’s license and stating his intention to discuss the matter with transport ministers and the Civil Aviation Authority.

The families’ determination to prevent Hill from flying again and their focus on preventing similar tragedies in the future highlights the ongoing impact of the devastating air crash. Despite Hill’s acquittal, the families’ quest for justice and their efforts to advocate for safety measures in the aviation industry remain unwavering.

In conclusion, the families of the victims of the Shoreham Airshow disaster are adamant about preventing the pilot, Andrew Hill, from regaining his flying license. Their continued efforts to seek justice and prevent similar tragedies demonstrate the lasting impact of the 2015 air crash that claimed the lives of eleven individuals.