Dog Fatally Shot in Gold Coast Drive-By, Female Occupant Injured: Police Inquiries Underway

Gold Coast, Queensland – A tragic incident unfolded in the Gold Coast suburb of Mudgeeraba when a dog fell victim to a senseless drive-by shooting. The attack, which occurred around 5 am on a Sunday, also resulted in a female occupant of the residence sustaining a minor hand injury. The location, a unit complex on Cobai Drive, was the scene of the disturbing event.

Authorities responded to reports of gunshots fired into the unit complex, where they found the injured dog. Despite efforts to save the animal, its injuries were severe, leading to the difficult decision to euthanize it at a nearby veterinary clinic. The female occupant was promptly taken to Gold Coast University Hospital for treatment of her hand injury.

In the wake of the shooting, the female occupant is cooperating with law enforcement as they investigate the incident. The perpetrator responsible for this heinous act could potentially face charges related to the deliberate harm or killing of animals. In Queensland, such actions are considered criminal offenses, with severe penalties attached to them.

The law in Queensland mandates that the unlawful killing of pets, including dogs, can result in up to three years of imprisonment, particularly if the offense occurs during nighttime. Additionally, killing a stock animal in the state carries a maximum penalty of seven years behind bars. The severity of these penalties underscores the gravity of the crime committed.

As the investigation unfolds, authorities will be piecing together the events leading up to the shooting and working to bring the responsible party to justice. The tragic loss of the dog serves as a stark reminder of the importance of upholding laws that protect the welfare of animals in the community.