Delhi Man Murdered Over ₹2,000 Dispute: Three Minors Among 5 Apprehended After Gruesome Attack

New Delhi, India – A brutal crime unfolded on the streets of Gautampuri near Badarpur in Delhi early Wednesday morning, as a group of at least five people, including three minors, allegedly stabbed a 22-year-old man multiple times and dragged his body on the road. The victim, identified as Gaurav Singh alias Lambu, was killed over a dispute involving ₹2,000 he had with one of the alleged attackers, according to the police.

The perpetrators were apprehended after two policemen on motorcycle patrol spotted the crime and chased after them. The entire chase was caught on CCTV cameras nearby, leading to the capture of the culprits. The two head constables on patrol duty noticed three to four people dragging a badly injured and unconscious Gaurav in the early hours of the morning, prompting them to take immediate action.

The police later revealed that the apprehended attackers admitted to having a fight with Gaurav over the monetary dispute, and that they were settling personal scores. The suspects, who were all residents of Gautampuri and knew the victim, confessed to stabbing Gaurav multiple times, resulting in his death. Two of the culprits turned out to be juveniles, aged 16 and 17, while the third was identified as 18-year-old Armaan Kurru. The other two suspects, one of whom turned out to be a minor, were apprehended later in the day.

The Deputy Commissioner of Police (southeast) Rajesh Deo stated that the suspects had borrowed money from Gaurav a few weeks ago and were not returning it despite his repeated demands. The 22-year-old man was known to the attackers and was a resident of Gautampuri, where the crime took place. The motive behind the murder appears to have stemmed from a personal conflict over the loan, resulting in a tragic and violent end. The suspects’ actions were captured on CCTV footage, demonstrating the brazen nature of the crime. The police, however, were quick to respond and managed to apprehend all five culprits.