Deadline Set for Demolition of Youngstown’s Realty Tower After Fatal Explosion; Mayor Urges Action Amid Safety Concerns

YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio — Officials have mandated the demolition of Youngstown’s Realty Tower following a fatal explosion on May 28, which resulted in the death of one person and injuries to nine others. Mayor Tito Brown announced that the building’s owners are required to commence dismantlement procedures by July 5 to avoid potential legal actions.

The decision comes after an apparent gas explosion last month that severely compromised the structural integrity of the century-old building, located in downtown Youngstown. Following the incident, residents and workers were prohibited from returning, with city authorities deeming the building at imminent risk of collapse.

Mayor Brown, in a recent statement, expressed his determination to resolve the ongoing safety hazard which the now-unstable building poses to the downtown area. He underscored the urgency of the demolition, citing public safety concerns and the necessity to restore normalcy in the municipal center.

“The citizens of Youngstown deserve better,” Brown stated, emphasizing the need for swift and decisive action to ensure the well-being of the community. He shared his sadness over the demise of the historical structure but affirmed that demolition was the most straightforward resolution to the pressing issues the instability caused.

Earlier, on June 17, Brown had pointed out that the building’s owners recognized the need for tearing down the structure due to significant safety concerns. However, he noted that disagreements with their insurance provider over the demolition costs had stalled the process.

Complications continued as further communications from the property management addressed to Realty Tower tenants highlighted the gravity and complexity of the situation. The management conveyed their sympathy to the tenants, acknowledging the emotional and logistical challenges posed by the blast and subsequent displacement.

Furthermore, tenants were informed about ongoing security changes and the plan for demolition, though no specific dates were provided. The management company assured tenants of their intent to stay communicative and transparent about upcoming steps, including efforts to salvage personal belongings safely.

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) is currently investigating the cause of the explosion, believed to be linked to a pressurized gas pipeline that was accidentally severed. Meanwhile, in response to safety concerns, evacuations were also carried out at nearby International Towers, illustrating the broader impact of the incident on the community.

This event marks a critical juncture for Youngstown, as city officials, residents, and business owners await the safe, yet sorrowful, dismantling of a landmark building, alongside ongoing investigations to prevent such accidents in the future. As the July 5 deadline approaches, the community watches with bated breath, hoping for a resolution that prioritizes safety and paves the way for recovery and eventual rebirth of the downtown area.