Couple in Telangana Arrested for Allegedly Murdering Mentally Ill Daughter

Karimnagar, Telangana – A couple in Karimnagar, Telangana, has been arrested for the alleged murder of their mentally ill daughter, according to police reports on Monday. The couple, identified as Chepyala Narsaiah (49) and Yellavva (43) from Nerella, are accused of killing their daughter Priyanka (24) and disguising it as a natural death.

Authorities revealed that the young woman had been grappling with a mental disorder for several years. Despite receiving treatment and even getting married, her mental health continued to deteriorate. The couple’s attempt to seek help from various avenues, including a place of worship, proved futile.

In a tragic turn of events, the parents took matters into their own hands and allegedly strangled their daughter with a rope while she was asleep at their residence on May 14. Following the incident, they informed their son-in-law and arranged for her funeral the next day.

However, suspicions arose among villagers regarding the circumstances of Priyanka’s death, prompting them to file a complaint with local law enforcement. Subsequent investigations led to the couple confessing to their involvement in their daughter’s demise.

As a result of their confession, the couple has been remanded to judicial custody. Further probes into the matter are currently underway to unravel the full extent of the tragic events that transpired in this Telangana community.