Consumer Group Warns of Dangerous Electric Heaters Sold on TikTok and Temu Influencer Platforms

London, UK (AP) – Consumer group Which? has issued a warning about the sale of electric heaters on social media platforms TikTok and Temu, citing concerns about the potential dangers posed by these products. The watchdog conducted tests on eight electric heaters purchased from these platforms, and found that six of them were electrically unsafe, with the potential to cause fires, electric shocks, or explosions.

After testing various electric heaters, Which? discovered that many of the products sold on TikTok and Temu posed significant safety risks to users. This included a portable electric heater purchased from TikTok for as little as £7.20, which was found to be a fire hazard and could also pose an explosion threat and electric shock risk. The findings also revealed that a similar portable space heater purchased from Temu for £16.98 had the potential to cause fires, electric shocks, or explosions.

The consumer group highlighted the presence of these hazardous heaters on social media platforms, with influencer promotions contributing to the spread of these dangerous products. Furthermore, the watchdog identified that these unsafe products were marked as “paid partnership” or “commission paid” in promotional videos, demonstrating the wide reach of these social media platforms in promoting potentially harmful products.

Following the tests, both TikTok and Temu removed the unsafe heaters from their platforms, but Which? noted that similar listings had since appeared, raising concerns about the responsibility of online marketplaces in ensuring the safety of products sold through their platforms.

In light of these findings, Which? called for online marketplaces like TikTok and Temu to take on greater legal responsibility for the safety of products sold to consumers through their platforms. The consumer group emphasized the need for these platforms to prevent dangerous products from reaching consumers’ homes and called for urgent government intervention to address these safety concerns.

It also found that millions of UK consumers had purchased products through TikTok and Temu, underscoring the significance of the issue and the potential impact on a large number of consumers. In response, Temu acknowledged the safety concerns and stated that it had removed the identified hazardous heaters, emphasizing its commitment to customer safety. Similarly, TikTok emphasized its efforts to enforce policies for TikTok Shop and remove merchants or products that violate their policies.

In conclusion, there is a growing concern about the safety of products sold through online marketplaces such as TikTok and Temu, with calls for urgent legal changes to regulate these platforms and protect consumers from the risks posed by unsafe products. As the shopping landscape evolves, it is crucial for government authorities and online platforms to address these safety concerns and ensure the protection of consumers from potentially hazardous products.