Commission to Review Evidence of Traumatic Brain Injury in Maine Mass Shooting Perpetrator

Lewiston, Maine – Recent findings by Dr. Ann McKee suggest that traumatic brain injury may have contributed to the behavioral changes exhibited by Robert Card before the deadly mass shooting last October. The family of Card expressed their remorse for the attack, acknowledging the pain it has caused to the victims, survivors, and their families.

A special commission, established by Democratic Governor Janet Mills, is currently investigating the tragic events that unfolded on October 25th, which claimed the lives of 18 individuals at a bowling alley, restaurant, and bar in Lewiston. The panel, comprised of former judges and prosecutors, is not only examining the facts surrounding the shootings but also evaluating the response of law enforcement to the incident.

Prior to the shootings, authorities had been warned about Card’s deteriorating mental health. Family members and fellow reservists had expressed concerns about his paranoid behavior and access to firearms. Despite these red flags, Card was only hospitalized briefly before the tragic events unfolded.

After an extensive statewide search, Card was found dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. The families of the victims, along with politicians and gun control advocates, have raised questions about the missed opportunities to intervene and remove firearms from Card. The state’s mental health system has also come under scrutiny in the aftermath of the tragedy.

In a hearing in Augusta, the commission heard testimonies from victims, shedding light on the critical role these hearings have played in understanding the case. There are ongoing discussions about potential changes to gun laws in Maine, with a particular focus on allowing law enforcement to seek protective custody warrants for individuals deemed dangerous.

Gun control advocates have emphasized the need for meaningful reforms to address the public health crisis of gun violence. Nacole Palmer, the executive director of the Maine Gun Safety Coalition, highlighted the importance of combining gun safety measures with investments in public health to ensure community safety.

As the investigation continues, there is growing recognition of the impact of the shooting not just on the victims and their families, but on the entire state of Maine and beyond. The hearings conducted by the commission are aimed at unraveling the complexities of the case and exploring ways to prevent such tragedies in the future.