Combat Veteran Survives Grizzly Bear Attack in Grand Teton National Park

South Hadley, Massachusetts – A disabled combat veteran from South Hadley, Massachusetts, is recounting his harrowing experience of being attacked by a grizzly bear in Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming. Shayne Patrick, a 35-year-old wildlife photographer, was seriously injured by a mother grizzly while exploring the area of Signal Mountain Summit Road overlooking Jackson Lake.

Patrick described the encounter as the most violent experience of his life, surpassing the challenges he faced during his military service. Despite the dangers he had previously encountered, nothing prepared him for the ferocity of the bear’s attack. Accompanied by his wife on a photography trip to capture images of a Great Grey Owl, Patrick ventured into the wilderness near Signal Mountain.

As he walked through a densely wooded valley, Patrick spotted a bear cub and immediately sensed the looming danger of the mother grizzly approaching. With quick reflexes, he attempted to defend himself by deploying bear spray, but it was too late. The bear lunged at him, causing severe injuries to his back, shoulder, and legs. Patrick’s life was ultimately saved when the bear inadvertently triggered the bear spray, deterring the attack.

Following the traumatic incident, Patrick improvised tourniquets to manage his wounds before rescue crews located him and transported him to a hospital for treatment. Despite the ordeal, Patrick made a plea to park rangers to spare the bear’s life, recognizing that she was merely protecting her cub. The National Park Service advises visitors to carry bear spray while exploring remote areas like Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks to prevent bear encounters and reduce human-bear conflicts.

This incident serves as a stark reminder of the unpredictable dangers present in the wilderness and the importance of being prepared when venturing into bear country. As Patrick continues to recover from his injuries, his story highlights the resilience and courage required to survive such life-threatening situations in the unforgiving terrain of national parks.