Collector of Vintage Jewelry Dies at 53 Following Violent Attack in Los Angeles

Los Angeles, California- The vintage jewelry community is mourning the loss of Sarah Alden, a talented collector and seller who tragically passed away at the age of 53. Known for her keen eye for vintage pieces, Alden curated a unique collection under her brand, Sarah Alden Estate, featured on

Alden’s life was cut short following a violent attack near the Venice Canals in Los Angeles on April 6, which left her brain dead. Despite her family’s heartbreaking decision to remove her from life support, her memory lives on through her passion for vintage jewelry and her dedication to her two sons.

Friends of Alden established a GoFundMe page to cover memorial, funeral, and medical expenses, as well as her sons’ college education costs. The campaign has already raised nearly $50,000, with a goal of reaching $150,000. Her sons have also made the selfless decision to donate her organs, ensuring that her legacy of love and giving lives on through others.

In addition to her love for vintage jewelry, Alden was known for her appreciation of sunrises on the east coast and sunsets on the west coast. She homeschooled her two sons, cherished her animals, and touched the lives of many in the industry through her work and friendship.

Her industry peers and colleagues took to social media to remember Alden and share their condolences. Jewelry designer Konstantinos Leoussis paid tribute to his close friend in a heartfelt Instagram post, recalling their shared passion for jewelry and friendship that spanned over a decade.

The man accused of attacking Alden, Anthony Francisco Jones, 29, now faces murder charges and is being held without bail after entering a plea of not guilty. Alden’s tragic death has deeply impacted not only her friends and family but the entire community, prompting an outpouring of support and sympathy for her loved ones during this unimaginably difficult time.

A memorial for Alden is scheduled to take place on June 13 at 7 p.m. at the Venice Canals, providing an opportunity for those who knew her to come together and celebrate her life and legacy in the vintage jewelry world.