Cities Worldwide Achieve Zero Traffic Fatalities Goal According to DEKRA Study

Paris, France – Many cities around the world have made significant strides in achieving the goal of zero traffic fatalities through the implementation of innovative road safety measures. The “Vision Zero” or Safe System approach, originating in Sweden in the 1990s, focuses on designing roads and transportation systems that account for human error in order to reduce accidents.

A recent interactive world map released by DEKRA, a German-based company specializing in automotive testing and research, showcases 1273 cities in 26 countries that have successfully reached the zero traffic fatalities milestone for at least one year. This demonstrates that the ambitious goal of eliminating road deaths is attainable with the right strategies and interventions in place.

Despite a slight decrease in the global traffic crash death toll in recent years, road accidents continue to claim over 3,200 lives every day, with a significant impact on children and young adults aged 5-29 years. The World Health Organization’s Global status report on road safety highlights the urgent need for comprehensive measures to address road crashes, especially in countries like the United States where death rates are significantly higher compared to other nations like Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

The Vision Zero approach focuses on creating a multi-layered system of safety measures that encompass safer people, roads, vehicles, speeds, and post-crash care. By integrating these elements, cities can minimize the impact of accidents and work towards the ultimate goal of zero road deaths and serious injuries. DEKRA’s Executive Vice President emphasized the importance of striving for Vision Zero, underscoring the significance of every life lost in road traffic incidents.

Furthermore, the ongoing efforts to expand the Vision Zero initiative to more cities worldwide are crucial in improving road safety on a global scale. The availability of an interactive world map tracking cities’ progress in achieving zero traffic fatalities serves as a valuable tool for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of road safety measures. Over the years, the map has evolved to encompass more countries and regions, reflecting the growing momentum behind the Vision Zero movement.

As countries continue to prioritize road safety and adopt innovative strategies to reduce traffic fatalities, the collective efforts of governments, organizations, and communities play a pivotal role in creating safer roads for all. The commitment to Vision Zero not only saves lives but also fosters a more sustainable and resilient transportation system for future generations.