call to action for community engagement following violent incident near Hazelwood East High School

St. Louis, Missouri – A horrific incident near Hazelwood East High School has sparked outrage and calls for action as a young girl remains in critical condition following a violent altercation. Video footage of the incident involving teenagers circulated widely on social media, leading to widespread concern and discussions about ways to address the escalating issue of violence in the community.

Dr. Marty K. Casey, founder of the UnGUN Institute, expressed deep concern after witnessing the disturbing video, emphasizing the need for immediate intervention to prevent such incidents from happening again. The graphic footage showed a girl being violently attacked, resulting in severe injuries that left her in critical condition. A 15-year-old has been detained on assault charges in connection with the incident.

Dr. Casey’s organization actively collaborates with schools in the St. Louis area to provide training on various forms of violence prevention, including bullying, suicide, domestic violence, and gun violence. She stressed the importance of proactive measures to ensure the safety and well-being of students, urging the involvement of organizations like hers in addressing the root causes of violence in schools.

In a plea for collective responsibility, Dr. Casey called for greater accountability from students, parents, and school administrators in tackling the epidemic of violence that plagues communities. She underscored the importance of open dialogue and community engagement to address trauma and equip individuals with coping mechanisms to prevent future incidents.

As the community grapples with the aftermath of the violent incident, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey took to social media to advocate for the 15-year-old suspect to be tried as an adult. While the decision rests with juvenile court officials, discussions continue on the appropriate course of action to ensure justice for the victim and prevent such tragedies in the future.

In response to the incident, the Hazelwood School District issued a statement expressing condolences to all those affected and reaffirming their commitment to providing support and resources for emotional healing. The district emphasized the need for collaborative efforts to address issues of bullying and violence in the community, calling on everyone to work together towards a safer environment for children.

The incident near Hazelwood East High School serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need for proactive measures to address violence in schools and communities. As authorities and stakeholders deliberate on the appropriate response, the focus remains on ensuring the safety and well-being of students while fostering a culture of respect and empathy among all community members.