Body of Missing Joliet Man Found in River Raises Concerns of Serial Killer Targeting Victims

Joliet, Illinois – Each year, authorities in Joliet find themselves facing a grim reality as they respond to incidents of death along the treacherous Des Plaines River canal. Most recently, on April 19, the Joliet Fire Department recovered the body of 37-year-old Robert Long, bringing another tragic case to light. This discovery comes after the earlier incident in March, where the body of Deshawn J. Green, also 37 years old, was found at the Brandon Road Lock and Dam in Joliet Township.

The City Council meetings in Joliet have become a platform for grieving mothers to voice their concerns about the increasing death toll in the canal. These mothers suggest that the series of deaths are not accidental drownings but the work of a calculated serial killer, targeting individuals and disposing of them in the river. One mother, Minnie Heath, whose son Anthony Dunn drowned in the canal in 2021, has been vocal in her accusations, hinting at racial motives behind the crimes.

In an effort to address public concerns and shed light on their actions, the Joliet Police Department announced their first-ever public safety open forum, scheduled to take place in June. Police Chief Bill Evans expressed the importance of providing accurate information and engaging in a dialogue with residents to address issues of crime and safety in the community. The forum aims to foster a two-way communication process, allowing for residents to voice their concerns and share information with law enforcement.

The forum will also be a platform to discuss the string of deaths along the Des Plaines River, a topic that has garnered attention over the past few years. Cases such as the discoveries of Diego Santiago Jr. in 2020, Cesar Robles in 2021, and Dorien Smith in 2021, among others, have raised alarm within the community. The police department has been actively working to enhance safety measures along the riverfront through the installation of additional signage and cameras to prevent future tragedies.

Looking ahead, Chief Evans hopes to make the public safety forum an annual event, emphasizing the importance of community involvement in addressing crime and safety issues. By sharing crime statistics and success stories, the Joliet Police Department aims to build trust and collaboration with residents. As the forum approaches, the community remains hopeful that meaningful discussions will lead to positive changes and a safer environment for all residents in Joliet.