Antioch City Hires Private Security for Downtown Patrol Amid Growing Crime Concerns

ANTIOCH, Calif. – In response to concerns from downtown merchants about rising crime, the city of Antioch has made the decision to hire private security to patrol its public parking lots and other assets. The City Council unanimously approved a $150,000 expenditure for this purpose for the current and next fiscal years, drawing funds from the general fund. Spearhead Protection has been awarded the contract.

The move comes after a small group of business owners in downtown Antioch raised issues with city staff regarding criminal activities in or near downtown parking lots. Some businesses had already hired private security, but they also called on the city to hire officers to patrol the downtown city assets.

Councilman Mike Barbanica, who was present at the meetings, stated that the decision was prompted by a “horrific crime” that took place in a downtown parking lot, though he did not provide specifics. Amidst this, one man was shot and killed, while two others were wounded during an incident at an after-hours party near H Street in 2022, and another man was fatally shot nearby in 2023. Resident Melissa Case affirmed the need for a safer environment in downtown Antioch, noting that residents often prefer to visit downtown areas in neighboring cities due to safety concerns.

The hiring of private security has prompted some questions and concerns from residents. Some have questioned why the city is not utilizing its own police force, especially in light of recent investigations and probes into the Antioch police department. One resident, who used to manage a private security firm, raised concerns about how the security officers would interact with the community, particularly in handling transient activities. These concerns were echoed by Councilwoman Lori Ogorchock and Councilwoman Tamish Torres-Walker, who inquired about the duties and responsibilities of the security guards.

In response, Acting City Manager Kwame Reed assured that the security guards will not be armed and will patrol nine parking areas from 5 to midnight each night. He emphasized their role in providing “extra eyes of security within the downtown” to deter criminal activities.

Before the vote, Reed also mentioned that additional areas can be added to the security patrol with a new contract later. The decision to hire private security reflects the city’s efforts to address concerns about safety and security in downtown Antioch.