24-Year-Old Man Jailed for Violent Assault, Prejudiced Remarks, and Obstructing Paramedics

Alexandria, Scotland – A 24-year-old man, Scott McCallion, was sentenced to 12 months in jail for a harrowing attack that left a man with severe injuries and permanent disfigurement. His violent assault, which occurred while he was already on two bail orders, involved attempting to strike the victim with a bottle, repeatedly punching and kicking him to the head, and making abusive remarks related to the victim’s sexual orientation. McCallion also obstructed paramedics and assaulted a police officer during the disturbing incident at Alexandria rail station.

According to fiscal depute Megan Dow, the assault took place at 6:27 am when McCallion attacked his victim and dragged him to the ground, inflicting severe injuries including a broken jaw. The victim, covered in blood, sought help at a nearby store, leading to the involvement of law enforcement. However, McCallion continued to be belligerent, making derogatory remarks towards hospital staff and assaulting an officer while receiving treatment for his own injuries.

McCallion’s defense solicitor highlighted his client’s troubled past, citing his previous incarceration for a separate offense and his service in the army for four years. Despite positive support from friends and family, McCallion’s behavior was deemed “entirely unacceptable” by the presiding sheriff, Maxwell Hendry. The sheriff sentenced McCallion to 12 months in jail, to begin at the conclusion of his existing custodial sentences, stating, “Your behavior thereafter to police and paramedics was appalling. You should be ashamed of yourself.”

The devastating impacts of McCallion’s violent actions, as well as the gravity of his subsequent conduct, shed light on the lasting consequences of hate-fueled assaults. As McCallion begins his new custodial sentence, the victim remains hospitalized, requiring surgery for his injuries. The case stands as a sobering reminder of the destructive impact of prejudice and violence in communities.