Tragic Blast Interrupts Eid Celebration for Newly Arrived Refugee Families in Syracuse

Syracuse, N.Y. — A devastating explosion during a religious celebration shattered the peace of Syracuse’s North Side, as two refugee families from Myanmar faced a new trial shortly after finding refuge in the United States. The incident occurred in a rented home on Carbon Street, where the families were observing Eid al-Adha, a significant Muslim festival centered on compassion and community.

The explosion injured 12 individuals and critically harmed three young children, who are presently receiving urgent medical care for severe burns and injuries. The youngest of the victims are an 8-month-old baby, a 2-year-old, and a 3-year-old, all currently listed in critically stable condition.

Officials suspect the explosion originated from a natural gas leak, compounded by reports from firefighters of fallen power lines and a discernible gas odor upon their arrival. Despite pressure tests that showed no issues from the main gas line to the meter of the house, the focus of the ongoing investigation has shifted towards the gas appliances within the destroyed structure.

Chol Majok, a member of the Syracuse Common Council and himself a former refugee, revealed that the families were in the midst of celebrating Eid when the disaster struck. One family had been established in the community for five years, while the other had arrived in the country just 12 days prior to the incident.

Both families are from the Rohingya ethnic group, a minority that has faced longstanding persecution and violence in Myanmar, conditions so severe that the U.S. government has characterized them as genocide.

Majok visited the hospital to support the injured, who were dispersed across various floors with one individual needing ventilator assistance due to the severity of their injuries. He also commented on the profoundness of the tragedy striking during what was supposed to be a celebration of fellowship and resilience.

In the aftermath, the local community and authorities have mobilized to support the victims’ recovery and relocation needs. Efforts are underway, led by local organizations in collaboration with Syracuse officials, to establish a donation fund to aid these families in reconstructing their lives after this latest calamity.

District Attorney William Fitzpatrick confirmed that the scope of investigation includes reviewing the condition and safety compliance of appliances in the home. However, he emphasized that the inquiry is not criminal in nature.

This incident has deeply affected the local community, prompting an outpour of support and solidarity. As the investigations continue, community leaders emphasize the importance of resilience and mutual aid to navigate this crisis and help those impacted rebuild their lives on Syracuse’s North Side.