Schools Urged to Implement Humane Education After Disturbing Acts of Animal Cruelty Surface

El Paso, Texas – A disturbing incident involving students from Charles Q. Murphree PK–8 School in El Paso, Texas, has sparked investigations by authorities after a young person was recorded beating a family dog while others watched and recorded the cruel act. In a separate incident at Hurshel Antwine Middle School, video footage captured a student throwing a teacher to the ground while she attempted to break up a classroom fight.

TeachKind, the humane education division of PETA, has taken action following these troubling reports. They sent an urgent letter to El Paso Independent School District Superintendent Diana Sayavedra, emphasizing the importance of humane education to instill empathy for all living beings. TeachKind provided educational materials such as “Empathy Now,” a guide aimed at preventing youth violence, and the “Share the World” curriculum kit, designed to foster empathy for animals even among the youngest learners.

The video footage shared in a group chat depicts a young person brutally beating a dog, kicking, stomping, and hitting the animal as it tries to escape. Disturbingly, the audio includes laughter and insensitive remarks amid the animal’s suffering. PETA Senior Director of Youth Programs, Marta Holmberg, expressed concern, highlighting the urgent need for compassion and empathy in educational settings.

Cruelty to animals is identified as a critical warning sign of violence by organizations like Sandy Hook Promise. Research indicates that a significant percentage of school shooters have a history of animal cruelty, underscoring the potential threat posed by individuals who mistreat animals. TeachKind’s resources are designed to integrate seamlessly into school curricula to prevent future acts of violence.

PETA’s mission, emphasizing that “animals are not ours to abuse in any way,” stresses the importance of treating all animals with kindness and respect. The organization offers free Empathy Kits to educate individuals on the value of compassion towards animals. TeachKind provides valuable resources, including presentations and lessons, to help educators incorporate empathy into their teaching practices.

To learn more about TeachKind and access their resources, interested individuals can visit or follow the organization on social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. In a world where empathy and compassion are essential values, initiatives like TeachKind play a crucial role in shaping a more compassionate society.