Man Sentenced to Prison for Assault and Attempted Kidnapping of Nancy Pelosi

Washington, D.C. – After a harrowing incident involving an attempted kidnapping of former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and the assault of her husband, Paul Pelosi, justice has been served as David DePape, 44, of Richmond, California, was sentenced to 30 years in prison and five years of supervised release. The attack, which took place on October 28, 2022, sent shockwaves throughout the political sphere, highlighting the dangers that public officials and their families can face.

Attorney General Merrick B. Garland emphasized the severity of the sentence, stating that violence against those who serve the public will not be tolerated. DePape’s actions were described as an attempt to punish Pelosi and teach Congress a lesson, underscoring the need for stringent repercussions for such crimes. U.S. Attorney Ismail J. Ramsey commended the collaborative efforts of law enforcement agencies in swiftly bringing the case to closure and expressed hope for the healing of the Pelosi family.

The trial revealed disturbing details of DePape’s premeditated plan, which involved collecting personal information about Pelosi and her home address. Armed with a hammer, sledgehammer, duct tape, and other tools, DePape broke into the Pelosi residence, intent on carrying out his violent agenda. However, his plans were thwarted by the quick thinking of Paul Pelosi, who managed to alert authorities without escalating the situation further.

Despite DePape’s conviction on charges of assault and attempted kidnapping, the impact of the attack continues to resonate, serving as a stark reminder of the threats faced by public officials and the vigilance required to safeguard democracy. The FBI, along with other law enforcement agencies, remains committed to protecting citizens and upholding the principles of democracy in the face of extremist beliefs.

The sentencing of DePape represents a significant milestone in the pursuit of justice for the Pelosi family and sends a strong message that violence and intimidation have no place in political discourse. As DePape begins his lengthy prison term, the ongoing investigation into the case underscores the collective efforts to ensure that such incidents are met with swift and decisive action. The Pelosi family’s resilience in the aftermath of the attack serves as a testament to their unwavering dedication to public service and their commitment to upholding the values of democracy.