Indigenous Survivor Calls for More Support After Violent Attack by Husband

Denver, Colorado – A recent violent attack against an Indigenous woman in Denver has sparked a call for increased support for survivors, particularly within her community. Alexandra James Banuelos, the victim of the brutal assault, is now advocating for better access to domestic violence resources to prevent such incidents from happening in the future.

Banuelos, who continues to recover from the attack, suffered severe physical injuries at the hands of her husband, Brandon Banuelos. Following a history of violent behavior, including previous assaults and a protection order, Banuelos was subjected to a terrifying ordeal after informing her husband of her desire for a divorce.

The traumatic incident on May 6 left Banuelos with visible bruises and her left eye completely swollen shut. Recounting the attack, Banuelos described the harrowing experience of being held in place while being repeatedly punched by her husband, leading her to fear for her life.

Despite the ongoing investigation by the Denver Police Department into the May 6 incident, no arrests have been made. With her husband’s whereabouts unknown, Banuelos faces the daunting task of ensuring her safety by leaving Colorado, fearing for her life if he were to return and carry out further violence.

In light of her experience, Banuelos highlights the urgent need for accessible resources for Indigenous communities facing domestic violence. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, a significant percentage of American Indian and Alaska Native adults have encountered violence in their lifetimes, emphasizing the widespread impact of such issues within these communities.

Banuelos, who considers herself fortunate to have survived the attack, is determined to raise awareness about the lack of support and assistance available to Indigenous individuals grappling with domestic violence. Her advocacy stems from a personal journey of trying to escape an abusive marriage without adequate help or resources.

As she continues to navigate the aftermath of the attack, Banuelos remains steadfast in her mission to ensure that other survivors, especially within her community, receive the support and protection they need to prevent further instances of violence. By sharing her story and calling for action, Banuelos hopes to spark meaningful change and address the systemic issues that perpetuate domestic violence among Indigenous populations.